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More supporters

Sometimes, we have those who are just special to us for providing fun to our women and children that we serve.  Below are just a few who have made a difference in their lives:

Hardee Bounce

Tom Price has helped us on numerous occasions with bounce houses for birthdays and special holidays.


The children have had so much fun playing on these that they wanted to express a big Thank You to Hardee Bounce House and Tom!!!



This Sarasota Networking Group has helped with Christmas and given support through the year.  They are a fun group and have always been there for us!  Thanks to all those who participated in gift giving to the women and children of our Complex and house!

Monthly Supporters

This is an elite group of people who give us monthly support.  We value what they do, even if it is no more than $10 to $25 per month--it all adds up.

Please consider becoming one of the elite and go to the Contact us button below to let us know how much you would like to pledge 

Thanks to the Giving Partner and staff for getting our information out there to numerous foundations, individuals, and corporations who choose worthy candidates for their donations!

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